Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday, August 25

A little up date about what's been going on since the VBS.  We went to N.Idaho to visit Rick's family.  The enjoyed picking huckleberries while we were there.  When we got back, we went to ASI.  We were able to talk to a a lot of people about our project here. Many were interested.

To share a little bit about Navajos.  They are thought to have been here about 1300 years. So they were here long before the white man or 'Anglos" as the Navajos call them.  It is believed they were from the Mongolia area.  Many of their facial features are the same.  Their hogans-house-is almost the same as the Mongolians gers or sometimes called yurts.   They lived off of what they could find to eat, but were not good gardeners.  Now they eat the SAD(standard American diet) food.  Although, most still eat a lot of mutton(sheep) stew and fry bread.  They also use blue corn meal and love watermelon and other fruit.  Potatoes and beans(mostly pintos) are also a big part of their diet.  Many today still do not have electric power and/or water.  They haul water in the backs of their pick-ups.  Most are poor.  In coming to the reservation, it is like coming to a third world country.  They like it here in the desert even though life is hard.  Most still herd sheep.  It's not uncommon to see, especially the grandmas.
In other post, I will tell more about them.  I hope to post some pictures of what the area is like.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Playing with water balloons.

The sign for Vacation Bible School. on Friday the children put their handprints on it and we'll use it again next year.

Playing more games.

The Bible Story.

Attendance was good every day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday, July 2

It seems like time keeps flying by and I don't have time to do all the posting I want to.  We've been having Vacation Bible School this week and it has been busy.  We've had people with us all week.  I don't have a lot of time now because some kids are with us that we have been watching all afternoon.   For VBS we have had more kids this year then they've had before.  We have over 30 every day.  We will post some pictures later on.  This one is short because it's time to bring the kids in for worship.
Have a good Independence Day.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June 15

I am starting this blog for people, friends, and family to see pictures and read about what we're doing.  We moved to Arizona in January to work with the Dine' people(a.k.a. navajos).  We have enjoyed getting to know them.  It is very beautiful out here and I hope we can get some pictures on here for you.    When we got here, our girls got sick and it took them over a month to get completely over it.  We are enjoying climbing mesas on Sabbath afternoons.  We have helped with health classes and recently did a cooking school at our church. 
I'm hoping to add a little or pictures every so often and keep you all informed as to what's going on with our lives.
God bless
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